Metal Detectors in Seafood Processing Units


India is largest producer of farmed shrimps in the world which accounts for nearly 6% of global fish market with India aiming to become largest seafood exporter in the world and as the government of India supporting the fisheries export in budget of 2020, Seafood export sector is set to increase by 50% in the coming years.

The top countries importing Indian Seafood are US, UK , Japan and China, as these countries follow a stringent quality control norms and have strict inspection guidelines Indian Seafood Exporters apply stringent quality check on the processing lines.

Metal Detector being one of the critical check point equipment, on the processing lines there are various check points where Metal Detector can be used and we have listed some of the critical check points where metal detector can be used in seafood processing lines.

The Loose IQF Lines:

Metal Detectors can be installed a loosed IQF product lines to check minute metal contamination from products like shrimps, squids, and fishes. These metal detectors are equipped with special rejection systems and conveyor belts designed especially for IQF processes. Metal Detectors installed at IQF Product lines are designed for heavy wet wash factory environments which are immune to frequent wet washing.

Frozen Shrimps / Fish Blocks:

Frozen Shrimps/ Fish Blocks process line maintain a temperature of 0 to -18◦ Celsius, Metal Detectors can be installed in such lines to detect metal contamination from frozen blocks and reject the contaminated product automatically. A special designed Metal Detector Model is used in such lines as the temperature is freezing, while selecting metal detectors for frozen line companies must consider the make and check for resistance of machine in such freezing factory environment. Metal detectors used in frozen block line are protected with IP 65-67 grade of protection for smooth and hassle free working.

Final Carton Line:

Final packed carton lines in seafood processing units are the lines where finished products are packed in large carton ready to be shipped, in these lines metal detectors are installed to check for any tramp metal which may enter the carton while packing process. These machines are robust and sturdy designed to take load of 25 – 50 kg of weight and detect with accuracy.

Installation of metal detectors is highly important in seafood processing line to protect the produce for any metal contamination and to for protection of consumer from any potential hazard of consumption of the product containing metal.

To select metal detectors for seafood plants companies must look for reputed manufacturers who not only provide with good quality machines but also provide expeditious after sales service.