Critical Control Points Where Metal Detectors can be installed in Food Industry


The food manufacturing processes have extensive line from Raw material processing to product manufacturing, packaging and supply of finished products. Manufacturers make sure the products are manufactured under highly compact and clean environment. However there is always a potential threat of contaminants entering the products.

How to protect the Products from Metal Contaminants to ensure metal contaminant free finished product ?

To ensure Metal Free Finished Product Metal Detection System should be installed at various CCP’s ( Critical Check Points), We have listed models which can be installed at various CCP’s to ensure maximum safety of the Products and process machinery.

  1. Raw  Material Entry:

Metal Detector Models like Gravity Feed Metal Detector, Conveyorised Metal Detectors can be installed at raw material entry points, Gravity Feed Metal Detectors for checking any powdered or granuler raw materials whereas Conveyoried Metal Detectors can be installed at raw material entry for products like vegetables or grains.

  • Product Mixing;

At mixing stage models like Gravity feed Metal Detectors are suitable for RTE powdered products whereas Pipeline metal detectors can be used for Paste and sulrried products.

For process like Biscuit or Bread Dough Metal Detector Head which can be installed at conveyors of processing lines can be used for effective elimination of metal contaminants.

  • Finished Product Line:

Once the product is ready for packing the metal detectors are installed on product lines before the finished product is taken for Packaging as this is a highly important CCP in product process lines and inspection here ensures the product is metal free.

Models such as Conveyorised Metal Detectors are installed on loose IQF, Bottleline, Dryfruits sorting, Biscuits, Bakery, Confectionery lines before packaging for effective elimination of metal contaminations.

  • Packaging line:

At final packaging line main purpose of Metal Detectors is to detect tramp metal in the boxes of finished goods, inspection at this point ensures the product packets or boxes do not contain any tramp metals like shards of wires, knifes or scissors.

Conveyorised Metal Detector are the models which are widely used for such applications. To select accurate model of Metal Detector for Food Industries(Link), Companies look for detection capacity, space the machine will occupy and the reputation of the supplier company in the industry. It is recommended that the metal detectors should be procured from a reputed supplier as it is a critical equipment which needs to be calibrated for time to time to ensure healthy working and effective detection and elimination of metal contaminants.